Matamata Christian School
Encouraging lifelong discipleship of Jesus Christ in an educational environment
Matamata Christian School exists to partner with, help and support parents in the education of their children
Christian education is about developing well educated, highly motivated, disciples of Jesus Christ. For all associated with the school, from a faithfully serving Board of Trustees and MCS Association Executive, through dedicated and hard working staff to parents and caregivers, this is our goal.
A past parent of the school summarised their gratitude in a testimonial ..... Our children developed a strong work ethic which has stayed with them, a sound balanced knowledge of the Bible and love for learning that we could never have imagined. For us Matamata Christian School has been a blessing many times over.
Our prayer is that we can be a blessing to you and your family also. For whatever purpose you have visited our web site. we pray that you will find what you are looking for.
Homepage: https://matamata.school.nz/
Mailing: 91A Smith Street Matamata Hamilton 3400
Main: (07)8885444
Work: office@matamata.school.nz