The students who enrolled at the college this year will be living and working in Matamata in 2030.
I want to work more closely with the wider Matamata community and understand what our aspirations are as a community for our school and for our students as they become young adults and enter the workforce. To that end I would like to host a business sector wine and cheese evening where the guests will be able to discuss their thoughts on three key questions:
1.What should schools focus on teaching to prepare our young people for great career pathways and a positive future?
2.What expectations do you have of Matamata College to meet your aspirations for the education of our young people?
3.What could Matamata College do to partner with your business, now and into the future?
5.30 pm: Welcome from Craig Alexander, Matamata College Board
Dr Sharples - outline of the event purpose
5.45 pm: Karakia kai
5.46 pm: Sharing of refreshments and small group discussion - Notes taken by senior staff
7.00 pm: Conclusion
Please feel free to stay for any length of time and to leave at any stage if you have other evening commitments.
To facilitate this flexibility, there won’t be a feedback session on the evening. Discussion notes will be collated and summarised for presentation to the board and staff. Participants will receive a summary document of these outcomes.
Your input into this important discussion around community and business aspirations for our young people and the college is valued. I would be delighted if you were able to attend. If not, please email me your thoughts on the key questions to and you will also receive the final summary.
To RSVP to this event, please email