Kiwanis Club of Matamata
Community Organizations
What do we do?
We voluntarily share the challenge of community improvement and leadership, assuming personal responsibility for civic projects including assistance to youth, the disadvantaged, the elderly, conservation of natural resources, development of community facilities and creation of international understanding and goodwill.
If you live in one of the communities in which Kiwanis is represented and have a community service project with which Kiwanis might be able to help, we want to hear from you. All requests will be considered but projects which directly benefit young children and their families will be given more favorable consideration. We prefer projects that we can do, build or otherwise participate in rather than just providing financial assistance.
What do you get out of Kiwanis?
An opportunity to develop leadership and public speaking skills.
The pride of belonging to one of the finest service organizations in the world.
An opportunity for meeting and networking with prominent leaders in the community, nationally, and internationally.
The good feeling from knowing you have personally helped your community and its people.
How does one join?
Kiwanis membership is open to all individuals of good character and community standing residing in, or having other interests within, the community served by the club. We require of our members, only that they have a willingness to serve the community, attend the majority of our meetings and pay the annual dues.
If you think that Kiwanis sounds like a pretty good idea and you might be interested in joining one of our club please write, call or email us. We want more members and would be happy to have you visit one or more of our meetings in your community as our guest and find out first hand who we are and the type of activities that we do for the local and world communities.
- What is a Town Supporter
- Community Projects
- Become a Town Supporter
- About Matamata Chamber of Commerce Inc
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